Piping Hot Cocoa by Laura John

About the Audiobook:
Getting called out to fix a broken faucet in the middle of the night only a few days from Christmas is the last thing I wanted to happen tonight, but the bills have to get paid somehow.
When I arrive at the mansion of a clearly wealthy person I’m completed taken aback by how hot the owner is. He’s what wet dreams are made of and is exactly my type.
The last thing I’m expecting to happen is for him to be attracted to me but turning down his advances is the opposite of what I want to do tonight.
The only thing I’m wondering though is if he’s up for the challenge of taming my brattiness.
Laura is a steamy romance author from Alberta, Canada, who melds love and angst together while normalizing mental illness. In her books, you will fall in love with her rock stars, bodyguards, baseball players, and even a hired hit man!
When she’s not writing, Laura enjoys reading, going to concerts, hiking, and experimenting with makeup! Music means everything to her, so make sure to check out her playlists to get a sneak peek into what inspires her!