Bite Me by Meljean Brook

About the Audiobook:
After five years, Emma Cooper is returning to Pine Bluffs — and to Sheriff Nathan Forrester. Finally, she’s ready to confess the secret that drove her away. But before she even arrives in town, Emma runs into trouble that threatens everyone she cares for. So she has to decide — stay and fight for the love of a lifetime? Or run away again…
Preorder the eBook:
Part 1
Part 2
Meljean was raised in the middle of the woods, and hid under her blankets at night with fairy tales, comic books, and romances. She left the forest and went on a misguided tour through the world of accounting before focusing on her first loves, reading and writing-and she realized that monsters, superheroes, and happily-ever-afters are easily found between the covers, as well as under them, so she set out to make her own.