The Stoneheart Bride by Kati Wilde

About the Audiobook:
Rescued by the warrior who’d broken her heart…
Flora doesn’t know which is worse: being abducted by ogres who intend to eat her, or being saved by the barbarian warrior who’d coldly rejected her hand in marriage. Brom the Stonehearted had crushed Flora’s every hope of a future where she was valued for herself, and dreams of a life where she was more than her uncle’s political pawn.
But as they ride toward home, Flora discovers that a warrior raised in the barren wilds of the Dead Lands recognizes value far beyond power and gold—and that his particular kind of courtship could never be cold…
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Kati Wilde is a tight-lipped, loose-hipped woman of indeterminate age and low breeding. Born into a very large family, she now has a very small family (no laws were broken in this transition), and she writes romantic fiction to assuage her darker urge to write Transformers erotica. She lives in Oregon, so most of you are safely far enough away, and has two old cats.